Tasting Heaven on Earth

Tasting Heaven on Earth

What warms your heart with love? Whether it’s something you do, an event, a practice, and/or people, what brings bliss bubbling up, and a deep sense of contentment in your soul? Yoga does this for me, because … Yoga isn’t about flexibility, unless one means to...
Who am I Really? A Journey of Me to We to Everyone

Who am I Really? A Journey of Me to We to Everyone

The most devastating losses in my life (marital separation, divorce, nearly dying, loss of career, divorce #2 …) turned into my biggest gains. Each time I surrender, the more alive I become. The less I identify as “me”, the more truly me I am. As cryptic, woo-woo, and...
Why Replacing “Them” with “Us” will Change the World

Why Replacing “Them” with “Us” will Change the World

There is no path topeace; peace isthe path.  It seems to me one of the biggest problems in the world today is division.  All too often when people think, look, believe, and/or act differently from us, we name them other, which all too easily allows and pushes us to...