Love = Shifting From “Me” to “We”

Over Easter weekend, my wife and I got to attend Olya’s Nectar Flow yoga practice, a delicious class we adore.  Toward the end she had us stretch our shoulders with our arms overhead in a Y and a strap pulled taut between our hands.  Being who I am, this...
Why We Should Join Jesus in Killing Our “Pigs”: Being Freed from What Holds Us Back

How to Become a Star in One Step: Use Your Voice to Increase Love

While it’s kind of cool I can do fancy yoga poses most people would never dream of doing, do you know what’s truly SUPER cool?  You and I using our voices to increase Love! My wife Lisa and I went and saw “A Star is Born” with Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga the other...

Meditation on Daily Choosing Your Attitude to Thrive

After a fabulous holiday weekend, I woke up Tuesday morning with TOO much to do.  Not only was my work day chalk full, I was teaching a new yoga practice I wasn’t totally comfortable with yet, there was a bunch of adulting to do, and the list of projects I...