Let Life Surprise You with Awesomeness

Let Life Surprise You with Awesomeness

Sometimes, especially when our hearts are open, life will surprise you with awesomeness. A few months ago, Jonathan stumbled on an old blog of mine that resonated with him. Much to their surprise, since Jonathan and Jennifer were looking for a place to do yoga in...
Love is Everything and Everywhere

Love is Everything and Everywhere

I remember a skit from when I went to university in the ’90s. I was in Campus Crusade for Christ (I even emceed our big meetings for a good while), and this play featured a silent Jesus following a college student everywhere they went–studying,...
It’s All About Our “Spirit”

It’s All About Our “Spirit”

I feel blessed to still be riding the wave of 2 recent “mountaintop” experiences. While one was a rock-and-roll, soul-shining themed cruise, the other was the first in-person retreat for the doctoral program I’m in. Although the former featured lots of yogis, and the...
Depth is Divine

Depth is Divine

You know how magic happens when you don’t expect it? One of the biggest “bummers” teaching yoga, can be when only 1 student comes to class (insert falsetto, “awkward”). Yet, consistently those are the most sacred moments students and I have! There’s a depth...
GMa’s Gift of Inspiration

GMa’s Gift of Inspiration

My grandma Pearlette, lovingly called “GMa”, turned 90 this month. Which means she grew up during the Great Depression and WWII. It blows my mind how much she had to do to get a good education and establish herself in the world! What is more, when my dad...