From Our Darkest Dark, Our Brightest Bright is Born

From Our Darkest Dark, Our Brightest Bright is Born

These recent views from our house breathed hope into my soul. There’s something about the short, dark days of this season that brings out and amplifies the darkness, down feelings, depression, and despair within us. Know what I mean? Still, the way the light pierced...
What We “See” is What We Become

What We “See” is What We Become

The beauty of this scenery captivated me the other day … For years, I’ve walked past this bit of lush green loveliness, on my way to the yoga studio, without noticing it. It’s tucked away a bit off the side of the highway, so isn’t in your face (so...

Love is a Gateway Drug

Do you ever struggle with doing something you know you should, and even want to do? That was me when it came to being kind and compassionate, and caring well for others, until about 15 years ago. What changed me? Like drill sergeants of kindness, the people of Valley...
Love is Messy: Getting Uncomfortable to Get “Fit”

Love is Messy: Getting Uncomfortable to Get “Fit”

You know how we regularly struggle and sweat to get physically fit? Increasingly, it seems to me the same is true for relational “fitness” … and might even be a key to healing our political, racial, and other divides. In other words: Real love is messy. It...
Vulnerability is the New Strength

Vulnerability is the New Strength

For years I hurt my family, friends, and self by being solely the strong, silent type. You see, I bought into the notions that silence was strength, vulnerability was weakness, and control was power. Now, though, I believe: Sharing is strength, vulnerability is...