Seeing Our Blindspots

Seeing Our Blindspots

The other day, my literal blind-spots got me thinking about the “blind-spots” we all have. While Lisa and I were out enjoying a nice, long walk on a beautiful summer day with our dog Biscuits, I heard somebody outside my field of view say something about a...

Angels are Dancing Around Us

One of the thing’s I cherish the most is tucking my daughter in at night.  After we share what we’re grateful for and pray, she rolls onto her side, closes her eyes, and we begin a sacred ritual we’ve been practicing for 10+ years.  While I hum...

Meditation on Remembering the Sacredness of Breath

I bet people who see me walking or running by think I’m one weird dude, with my frequent sighs, lip flutters, laughs, growls, mmm sounds, and deep breaths.  I bring that up to ask: What’s “sacred” mean to you?  I’m willing to bet...
We are God’s Selfies

We are God’s Selfies

My wife, Lisa, and I watched “The Greatest Showman” with Hugh Jackman the other night, and OH MY WORD, it was FANTASTIC!!!  So, so, so good!  I cried with sorrow and joy, delighted in the music and choreography (it’s a musical), and was DEEPLY moved by its message of...