The Power of Appreciation

The Power of Appreciation

A major reason Lisa and I have a delightful marriage and partnership is: Appreciation. Daily, we tell one another how much we appreciate each other. Not just in a general sense, but by naming specific things. And do you know what the real magical, meaningful way we do...
The Power of the Stories in Our Heads

The Power of the Stories in Our Heads

Have you ever seen a message notification in passing, and created a whole storyline around it before actually reading it … only to have none of what you imagined probable/possible turn out to be true? I got a FB message from a pastor...
Grieving the Life I Lost

Grieving the Life I Lost

13 years ago today, the amazing life I had ended. In the blink of an eye, a quite successful career flying for the air force (where I also got to teach the best of the best) vanished, as did the future plans and dreams of my then fiancée (now ex-wife) and I. While...
The Love Castle

The Love Castle

I dig metaphors, and one that’s speaking to me lately is choosing to live in a Love Castle. It’s where our family’s life together is akin to a castle, one that only allows love in over its moat and through its gates. No love, no entry! To be clear, “love”,...
What We “See” is What We Become

What We “See” is What We Become

The beauty of this scenery captivated me the other day … For years, I’ve walked past this bit of lush green loveliness, on my way to the yoga studio, without noticing it. It’s tucked away a bit off the side of the highway, so isn’t in your face (so...