Our Darkest Dark Reveals Our Brightest Light

Our Darkest Dark Reveals Our Brightest Light

Darkness. What’s your relationship with it? As we approach the literal darkest day of the year, I’m reminded going fully INTO my metaphorical darkness is the path to my brightest lightness. It’s no mistake that Christmas, a celebration of Light, was...

The Vaccine to 2020 is Inside You

Do you know how dope you are? 2020 sucker punched us, planted a roundhouse kick in our face, and then proceeded to pummel us while we were down … Yet, YOU got back up and are still breathing, going, smiling, loving, and being loved more than words can say!...
Our Darkest Dark Reveals Our Brightest Light

A Letter to My Daughter as She Starts High School

Since 2014, when Lara starts school I’ve written her a letter to encourage her, remind her what matters in life, and assure her she’s extravagantly Loved exactly as she is.  I don’t know about you, but the messiness, stresses, and hurts in life make...