Our Bodies are Brilliant!

Our Bodies are Brilliant!

One of the hardest, most healing, and helpful lessons I’m learning in life is to trust and love my body. The truth is: Our bodies are brilliant. Your body is brilliant. My body is brilliant. Our bodies not only know what’s best for them, they harbor...


Hi Beautiful! Today I thought I’d try something different and write about an easy, breezy, and 100% noncontroversial topic … insert laughter here … so let’s talk about God!  What does “God” mean to you?  Perhaps more importantly, how does one experience...

Meditation on Resolving to “Be Lazy” to Hear Spirit’s Guidance

In contemplating a New Years resolution, a weird notion came to me: “Be Lazy”.  I’m not talking about neglecting chores or shirking work though.  Instead, I mean slowing and quieting down enough to hear the gentle wisdom of Spirit speaking to us....