How to Defeat a Feeling of Failure and Funkiness

What do you do when you feel defeated or deflated?  While the positivity I generally radiate is 100% authentic, I occasionally wonder/think: “Why do I even bother?  Why do I spend hours writing posts and blogs to encourage and increase Love when it seems like...

The Path to Awesomeness in Life is ALLSOMENESS

10 years later, I still sometimes get really frustrated I can’t drive.  Or agitated the lack of peripheral vision preventing that, imagine missing 50% of your field of vision, also leads to knocking over and breaking things, hitting my head on walls as I turn,...
Why Keeping Death Always Before Your Eyes Makes Life Better: Let’s Talk About Death Part 5

The Freedom of Dying BEFORE You Die: Let’s Talk About Death Part 4

Many of the people I know who are most ALIVE and JOYOUS are those who’ve lost the most.  For instance, by the time she was 4, my 14 year-old daughter’s parents had divorced, her dad had been in the hospital for 6 months after he should have died, she’d moved across...