Love is Everything and Everywhere

Love is Everything and Everywhere

I remember a skit from when I went to university in the ’90s. I was in Campus Crusade for Christ (I even emceed our big meetings for a good while), and this play featured a silent Jesus following a college student everywhere they went–studying,...
Love Actually …

Love Actually …

I believe: Love actually … Is the fundamental nature of reality. Believes the best. Is our native tongue. Bridges divides. Is messy. Speaks life. Never ends. Is the flow of the universe. Leads. Does little things that make big differences. Includes … beyond what/who...
Three Beautiful Gifts of Christianity to Humanity

Three Beautiful Gifts of Christianity to Humanity

When I was young, whenever someone pointed out how a different religion had an eerily similar story, belief, or teaching to Christianity, I’d be thrown off kilter or shift to denial. Now, though, it makes me glad, as I receive it as evidence God is, and always...
Love is the Point: 4 Ways Divine Love Makes Life Amazing

Love is the Point: 4 Ways Divine Love Makes Life Amazing

One of the next tattoos I’m planning to get is “Love Alone”, inspired by Hans Urs von Balthasar’s (what a glorious name!) phrase and book title, Love Alone is Credible.  You see, a Truth that’s radically altered my life is “God is Love”.  While there are many things...


I’ve got issues.  While Jesus has always been my jam, for a long time I thought God more than disliked me. Worth, belonging, and love are fundamental human needs and I was convinced when it came to our Creator and Ultimate Reality, I’d struck out on all three accounts...