Giving the Gift of YOU

The quality of my life is interconnected with the nature of what I devote myself to. Each day we give our time, energy, and attention to/for something. In other words, moment-by-moment we literally give the gift of our lives away.The only question is...
The Gospel of Mary

The Gospel of Mary

Cheers! Why has Mary, Jesus’ mom, fascinated so many people for so long?  Why do some of our notions about her border on mythological and magical?  Similarly, when it comes to Mary Magdalene, why do Dan Brown (and others) speculate she was married to Jesus?...

Letting the Spirit of “How May I Be of Service” Guide Us

In telling my story lately, my eyes have been opened to two key words in my life: Lack and Enough.  While insecurities bias me toward a space of lack, wherein I find my worth in the number of students in my classes, the amount of “likes” on social media,...

Angels are Dancing Around Us

One of the thing’s I cherish the most is tucking my daughter in at night.  After we share what we’re grateful for and pray, she rolls onto her side, closes her eyes, and we begin a sacred ritual we’ve been practicing for 10+ years.  While I hum...