Every Day is a Gift, a Chance to Start Anew

Sometimes I feel haunted by my past.  I keep replaying the tapes of my struggles, weaknesses, and losses … which, ironically, frequently dooms me to repeat them.  For example, after I got remarried again following my first divorce, when something Carla did...
While Open Hearts Get Broken, They Also Receive the Most Joy

While Open Hearts Get Broken, They Also Receive the Most Joy

This week I’ve been struck by how easy it is for me to close myself off from both compliments and critiques from others.  It reminded me how vital it is to live with an open heart and mind, because even though such a tender mentality will sometimes break our...
Rest is Divine, Busyness is NOT

Rest is Divine, Busyness is NOT

I was listening to a podcast the other day, wherein A.J. Swoboda was talking about his new book, “Subversive Sabbath”. Isn’t that a great title? While I’ve long been a proponent of intentionally cultivating a rhythm of life, which regularly includes rest, play,...

Meditation on Living Everyday Like Its a Holiday and PARTY!

You know I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t like Jesus? I mean, wherever you fall on the religious spectrum, I think we can all agree a Being who loved and cared for others to the point of being killed for them is pretty DOPE, right? I mention this both...