Don’t Fake It Until You Make It, Face It Until You Embrace It!

Parts of me are scared, nervous, and frustrated … and it’s fantastic!  You see, partially by choice, and partially not, my occupational energies are shifting to destinations unknown along paths previously untraveled.  Honestly, it’s scary, thrilling,...

Feeling Freedom, A Gift of Living Yoga

The other day, while Lisa was sharing with me her frustration over the baked bean dish she’d made not being ready in time for the party with friends she made it for, I kept reassuring her everything was okay, she’d done the best she could, and she...

Meditation on the Importance of Loving Our Messy Emotions

Do you ever have a thought or impulse that’s inappropriate, uncomfortable, or “bad”?  I know I do!  The other day, one thought bubble led to another, and before I knew it, I was shocked and dismayed by the notion my mind had centered on.  Before my...
The Gift of Grief (aka “Good Grief”): Let’s Talk About Death Part 3

Fierce Softness

Changes, departures, leavings, and endings can be hard.  For years, I was not only a faithful attender at a local church, I was on the leadership team, aspired to be a paid pastor there, and became close with the other team members.  Then, after a good deal of inner...