Growing Our Love

Growing Our Love

Ukraine. Putin. Trump. Biden. Vac. Anti-vac. The ways we divide and polarize go on and on. What are we to do? Doesn’t it almost feel like getting past our political, national, racial, and religious tribalism is the only way we’re going to survive and thrive? For...
Tasting Heaven on Earth

Tasting Heaven on Earth

What warms your heart with love? Whether it’s something you do, an event, a practice, and/or people, what brings bliss bubbling up, and a deep sense of contentment in your soul? Yoga does this for me, because … Yoga isn’t about flexibility, unless one means to...
Vulnerability is the New Strength

Vulnerability is the New Strength

For years I hurt my family, friends, and self by being solely the strong, silent type. You see, I bought into the notions that silence was strength, vulnerability was weakness, and control was power. Now, though, I believe: Sharing is strength, vulnerability is...


Hi Beautiful! Today I thought I’d try something different and write about an easy, breezy, and 100% noncontroversial topic … insert laughter here … so let’s talk about God!  What does “God” mean to you?  Perhaps more importantly, how does one experience...

God as a Verb

Hi Beautiful! When you read or hear the term “God”, what comes to mind?  If you’re like me, our stereotypical notion of a bearded man up in heaven is NOT something very tangible, apparent, relatable, or possibly even believable … and I’ve been a Christian my whole...