We’re Conduits for Love

We’re Conduits for Love

The more we love, the more we thrive. One of my favorite parts of our home is our large guest room. Family and friends are, literally, always welcome to enjoy its king-sized bed—while sharing our food and drink. Out of 3.5 years here, I estimate guests have...
Loving God = Loving Others = Flourishing

Loving God = Loving Others = Flourishing

To truly love “God”, is to deeply love All. At least, I keep coming back to this conclusion. I say “God”, because every person I’ve met has a different understanding of the Divinity Behind and Within This All. I believe this because: If we are in God’s image, if...
Letting Go to Let Love In

Letting Go to Let Love In

This year, a major theme in my life has been: Letting go to let Love in. Turns out, there were things I was clinging to or striving for, which were “unplugging” me from life-giving love—filling me with insecurity, worry, stress, and anxiety. Deciding, in...
A Life Changing Lesson from Adam & Eve You’ve Probably Never Heard

A Life Changing Lesson from Adam & Eve You’ve Probably Never Heard

Cheers to you! Have you ever seen something/someone in a new way so powerful it was a revelation?  That happened with me recently with the story of Adam and Eve.  You see, I REALLY like being “right”.  If knowledge is power, I’m great at using it for my benefit.  When...
A Life Changing Lesson from Adam & Eve You’ve Probably Never Heard

Minimalism, the Power of the Pause, and Wholehearted Living

Cheers to you! I struggle with making time to pause, rest, and slow down.  Can you relate?  Aside from the volume of things that have to be done and what I “think” I have to do, there’s SO many people, places, and experiences I want to enjoy.  It’s super...