Your Body is Magical!

What’s your relationship with your body?  While the truest part of me knows I’m a fit guy, a critical voice within is NEVER satisfied and focuses on my shortcomings and ways I “should” be better.  With that admission, let me shout: my body is MAGICAL!  YOUR body is...
Your Body is a Beautiful Place Where Heaven Meets Earth

Your Body is a Beautiful Place Where Heaven Meets Earth

Cheers to you! For years, I would NEVER go out in public unless I was showered and put together.  I bought into the story that beauty is 100% appearance based.  Yet, practicing yoga (especially hot yoga), while more thoroughly absorbing the teachings of Christ, is...
Your Body is a Beautiful Place Where Heaven Meets Earth

6 Ways Yoga is Prayer

I LOVE yoga and Jesus!  The brilliant thing is they go together like peanut butter and chocolate, the combination of which, to me, is basically heaven in your mouth.  While I’ve “only” been practicing yoga for a bit over eight years, I’ve been Christian my whole...