Open Minds Open Possibilities

Open Minds Open Possibilities

I recently came across a card I wrote and sealed to myself at the beginning of our doctoral voyage. My little statement of fears, hopes, worries, and prayers from two years ago at Cannon Beach says: Comfort of the known, Fear of rejection/isolation, and Not having...
Let Life Surprise You with Awesomeness

Let Life Surprise You with Awesomeness

Sometimes, especially when our hearts are open, life will surprise you with awesomeness. A few months ago, Jonathan stumbled on an old blog of mine that resonated with him. Much to their surprise, since Jonathan and Jennifer were looking for a place to do yoga in...
Friendship & The Gift of Loyalty

Friendship & The Gift of Loyalty

Great friends, the kind you freely share the most blissful and brutal stuff with, are more precious than gold. Even while I walked through the desert of divorce twice, because of loyal friends, I considered myself lucky. Although I struggled to stay alive after my...
The Power of Appreciation

The Power of Appreciation

A major reason Lisa and I have a delightful marriage and partnership is: Appreciation. Daily, we tell one another how much we appreciate each other. Not just in a general sense, but by naming specific things. And do you know what the real magical, meaningful way we do...
Transforming Our Impatience & Frustrations into Kindness & Gentleness

Transforming Our Impatience & Frustrations into Kindness & Gentleness

Someone shared with me how they struggle with impatience, are frustrated with the way that energy leads them to irritableness and unkind words to others, and that they long for a gentler spirit. I can SO relate! How about you? They asked me for some life coach advice...