Balance Brings Bliss

Balance Brings Bliss

How do we measure success? How do we find it? Are those different? For instance, it’s been 7+ months since my memoir, Falling into Love: The Transformative Power of Community, came out. Thus far, we’ve made ~3% of what we spent to self-publish it...
Why Valuing Both the Right and Left Creates Harmony: Yoga Life Lessons

Why Valuing Both the Right and Left Creates Harmony: Yoga Life Lessons

Hi beautiful being! In yoga’s physical practice, we make a point of equally working, stretching, and valuing both the left and right sides of our bodies.  To do otherwise would create imbalance.  It seems to me the same lesson applies to life.  There has ALWAYS been...

Meditation on Maximizing Bliss by Finding Balance in Life

Yoga is SO much more than poses on a mat.  It gives us tools and practices for richer, more wonderful, and more love-filled lives.  The Purusharthas, for instance, are the yogic understanding of the four aims of life.  Purusha means “soul” and Artha means...