The Value of Long OBEDIENCE in the Same Direction

In my journey to Love others, creation, myself, and the Source of this all well, I feel like the area I struggle with most is finding a good balance when it comes to Loving myself and others … especially as my wife and I navigate life together.  If our...
The Real Gift of Christmas is YOU: A Tale of Two Ways of Living

The Real Gift of Christmas is YOU: A Tale of Two Ways of Living

Cheers to you! My wife and I have been watching “The Good Place”, a show about the afterlife.  In this poignant and hilarious show, a demon “breaks bad”, people sent to hell get better, and they explore big topics like what makes a person...

The Wound is the Place Where the Light Enters You

#love #lovealone #onlylove #shine #bestlife #yoga #bliss #kindness #personalgrowth #transformation #joy #peace #wholeness #upwardspiral #kitsaphotyoga #sweetsantoshayoga #ashesyoga #blissology #blissarmy #wound #light #Rumi #winter #Christmas #solstice #darkness...
The Real Gift of Christmas is YOU: A Tale of Two Ways of Living

A Life Changing Lesson from Adam & Eve You’ve Probably Never Heard

Cheers to you! Have you ever seen something/someone in a new way so powerful it was a revelation?  That happened with me recently with the story of Adam and Eve.  You see, I REALLY like being “right”.  If knowledge is power, I’m great at using it for my benefit.  When...

Your Body is Magical!

What’s your relationship with your body?  While the truest part of me knows I’m a fit guy, a critical voice within is NEVER satisfied and focuses on my shortcomings and ways I “should” be better.  With that admission, let me shout: my body is MAGICAL!  YOUR body is...