The Good News of Realizing I’m My Worst Enemy

The Good News of Realizing I’m My Worst Enemy

Recently I had a couple super hard conversations. Without going into details that aren’t mine to share, they were the kind that you know in advance could go super sideways. Know what I mean? Want to guess what the most stressful, angsty, and worst part of both was?...
Love is Messy: Getting Uncomfortable to Get “Fit”

Love is Messy: Getting Uncomfortable to Get “Fit”

You know how we regularly struggle and sweat to get physically fit? Increasingly, it seems to me the same is true for relational “fitness” … and might even be a key to healing our political, racial, and other divides. In other words: Real love is messy. It...

The Sweet Freedom of Admitting: “I was Wrong.”

I was wrong. How often do we say that? Receive that gift from others? Hear those we look up to admit it? More than a thousand years before Descartes said, “I think therefore I am”, Augustine sagely concluded: “I err, therefore I am.”...
Love in 24 Words – Part 2

Love in 24 Words – Part 2

Hi Beautiful! Every time I teach or practice yoga, my goal is to open us to and energize us with the energy of Love.  Yet, what is “Love”?  While I didn’t realize it, for years I didn’t know.  As a result, I couldn’t Love myself, was...
Love in 24 Words – Part 2

Love in 24 Words – Part 1

Hi Amazing! If Love is the point of life, I Love my wife, I love wine, I love peanut butter cereal, I Love my daughter, I love yoga, God is Love, I Love God, and I love Star Wars … what exactly is Love? At least the “Love” that matters most?  I...