The Power of the Words in Our Head

The Power of the Words in Our Head

You know how sometimes a passing comment, or remark about you gets stuck in your head on repeat? Like a bee stinging you over and over and over again? That’s been true for me lately! Our words can be weapons, or bring wellness. AND, while they spoke them once (and...
12 Truths that Transform

12 Truths that Transform

How are you doing today?  I hope you are having an amazing day, and regardless of how beautiful and/or brutal it might be for you, I pray you are connected and cared for by a loving community! There’s a common “joke” you may have heard, which goes something like this:...
12 Truths that Transform

The Soul Felt Its Worth

Sometime after Thanksgiving I noticed an unsettledness in my spirit, disquiet in my soul, angst in my mind, and ache in my heart. Interestingly, other people have shared they’re feeling similar things.  With winter coming and the season of death approaching, I wonder...
The Gospel of Snuggling

The Gospel of Snuggling

In the stillness and quiet of my first waking moments, I like to begin my day by listening to Spirit for a word or image to center my day on.  While it’s usually things like joy, curiosity, care, calm, and the like, the other day, much to my surprise it was SNUGGLE. ...
12 Truths that Transform

Want to Live/Love Better? Expect Less

I recently spent more than a day crafting and preparing a workshop on the yogic way of life, which has given me SO MUCH joy and peace (and, as a side note is SUPER Christ-like) … YET, no one came to the workshop.  On a similar note, years ago I had the opportunity to...