The Power of the Words in Our Head

The Power of the Words in Our Head

You know how sometimes a passing comment, or remark about you gets stuck in your head on repeat? Like a bee stinging you over and over and over again? That’s been true for me lately! Our words can be weapons, or bring wellness. AND, while they spoke them once (and...
Being a Warrior for Kindness

Being a Warrior for Kindness

Not knowing the struggles we’d face in August; I named my yoga class this month “Kindness Warrior”. There’s something magical about moving through life’s struggles, storms, and even sweetness, with kindness. As fate would ironically have it, we’ve gotten to live this...
Love in 24 Words – Part 2

Love in 24 Words – Part 2

Hi Beautiful! Every time I teach or practice yoga, my goal is to open us to and energize us with the energy of Love.  Yet, what is “Love”?  While I didn’t realize it, for years I didn’t know.  As a result, I couldn’t Love myself, was...
Love in 24 Words – Part 2

Love in 24 Words – Part 1

Hi Amazing! If Love is the point of life, I Love my wife, I love wine, I love peanut butter cereal, I Love my daughter, I love yoga, God is Love, I Love God, and I love Star Wars … what exactly is Love? At least the “Love” that matters most?  I...