Letting Go, to Let It Shine

Letting Go, to Let It Shine

We’re in a somewhat stormy stretch of life. Yet, “somehow” I feel quite calm and beyond content with things. While, the stressors and struggles we’re navigating aren’t mine to share here—although, getting my doctorate is one—I will say...
The Gospel of Mary

The Gospel of Mary

Cheers! Why has Mary, Jesus’ mom, fascinated so many people for so long?  Why do some of our notions about her border on mythological and magical?  Similarly, when it comes to Mary Magdalene, why do Dan Brown (and others) speculate she was married to Jesus?...

Meditation on Becoming a Passer of Peace

What’s one of your favorite words?  One I especially adore, and have a tat of, is “shalom”.  While this Hebrew word is typically translated “peace”, it also means wholeness, unity, and harmony.  It’s basically shorthand for...