5 Ways the Cross Reveals Everything We Need to Know About Life and Death

“Scars” are Beautiful: We are Wounded & Resurrected at the Same Time

If scars were championships, I’d have Michael Jordan and Tom Brady beat!  I’ve got the trach dent, a crooked eye, a bunch of marks from tubes to drain infected lungs, multiple stomach tube scars, a wrist with scaffolding, and all sorts of “interesting” stories on my...
5 Ways the Cross Reveals Everything We Need to Know About Life and Death

The Soul Felt Its Worth

Sometime after Thanksgiving I noticed an unsettledness in my spirit, disquiet in my soul, angst in my mind, and ache in my heart. Interestingly, other people have shared they’re feeling similar things.  With winter coming and the season of death approaching, I wonder...

Meditation on Thinking Less to Be More

I don’t know about you, but it seems the older I get, the less I KNOW.  I used to be quite certain about lots of things, and while it’s still easy for me to cling to the safety of being SURE, I’m finding freedom in holding things more loosely.  I say...