Release to be Renewed

Release to be Renewed

Nature has a lot to teach us. Autumn is a time of letting go, as fruits and veggies ripen to produce new offspring, while leaves gently fall to the ground. This letting go not only helps vegetation survive the winter, it plants the seeds for the eruption of new life...

20 Truths to Remember to Flourish in Life

I don’t know about you, but it’s super easy for life’s busyness, messages, and stresses to cause me to forget who I am, what life’s about, and what’s True about others.  So, I figured I’d share 20 quick Truths I frequently remind...
Who are YOU? How Finding Our Identity in Christ Saves Us

Who are YOU? How Finding Our Identity in Christ Saves Us

Have you ever wanted to die?  I distinctly remember sitting on a plane preparing for landing, when it hit a patch of turbulence that jerked us so violently it seemed we would crash.  As the other passengers’ faces turned to horror with loud gasps and cries, all...