Open Minds Open Possibilities

Open Minds Open Possibilities

I recently came across a card I wrote and sealed to myself at the beginning of our doctoral voyage. My little statement of fears, hopes, worries, and prayers from two years ago at Cannon Beach says: Comfort of the known, Fear of rejection/isolation, and Not having...
A project of Love

A project of Love

Friends, I’m stoked to invite you to a Project of Love.  I’m working on a Doctorate in Leadership & Spiritual Formation, to help people thrive together in life. To make our doctoral projects as successful as possible (mine is about growing and flowing...

Finding Santosha (WOWness) in All Situations

One of the benefits of having a bit of OCD is my daily workouts aren’t options, they’re what I do.  A downfall of this mentality, though, is it can sometimes get in the way of important stuff, like, you know, connecting with people!  Ridiculous as it may...
6 Ways Yoga is Prayer

6 Ways Yoga is Prayer

I LOVE yoga and Jesus!  The brilliant thing is they go together like peanut butter and chocolate, the combination of which, to me, is basically heaven in your mouth.  While I’ve “only” been practicing yoga for a bit over eight years, I’ve been Christian my whole...
6 Ways Yoga is Prayer

What if Prayer is More a Way of Being Than Something We Do?

What is prayer to you?  Growing up Christian, I think my experience of it was pretty normal.  It’s words one speaks/thinks to God, generally centered on praise, requests, and gratitude.  Interestingly, while in my memories the first two are pretty much all we did,...