Meditation on Infusing Your Life with Play (Especially the Struggles)

As we were leaving for work I heard a crash and smashing sound in the kitchen.  It seems as Lisa grabbed her purse from the counter, a full bottle of wine next to it had decided to go full kamikaze onto the floor.  In the car I told her how I appreciated her showing...
Rest is Divine, Busyness is NOT

Rest is Divine, Busyness is NOT

I was listening to a podcast the other day, wherein A.J. Swoboda was talking about his new book, “Subversive Sabbath”. Isn’t that a great title? While I’ve long been a proponent of intentionally cultivating a rhythm of life, which regularly includes rest, play,...

Meditation on Effortless Doing and Living IN the Flow

What words come to mind when you think of “life”, as in your or my life?  Some of my favorite words to sum up a thriving and flourishing life are “flow”, “dance”, “play”, and “love”.  I think the more we...