The Good News of Realizing I’m My Worst Enemy

The Good News of Realizing I’m My Worst Enemy

Recently I had a couple super hard conversations. Without going into details that aren’t mine to share, they were the kind that you know in advance could go super sideways. Know what I mean? Want to guess what the most stressful, angsty, and worst part of both was?...
Love is the Point: 4 Ways Divine Love Makes Life Amazing

Love is the Point: 4 Ways Divine Love Makes Life Amazing

One of the next tattoos I’m planning to get is “Love Alone”, inspired by Hans Urs von Balthasar’s (what a glorious name!) phrase and book title, Love Alone is Credible.  You see, a Truth that’s radically altered my life is “God is Love”.  While there are many things...
Love is the Point: 4 Ways Divine Love Makes Life Amazing

Sometimes Words are Dumb: The Importance of Moving Beyond Labels

In class the other day my yoga teacher said something about moving beyond labels.  This struck an “AHA” chord in my soul as I realized while words are necessary, they can also limit, divide, hinder, and minimize because we often think labels define a person, place, or...