The Soul Felt Its Worth

The Soul Felt Its Worth

Sometime after Thanksgiving I noticed an unsettledness in my spirit, disquiet in my soul, angst in my mind, and ache in my heart. Interestingly, other people have shared they’re feeling similar things.  With winter coming and the season of death approaching, I wonder...
Who are YOU? How Finding Our Identity in Christ Saves Us

Who are YOU? How Finding Our Identity in Christ Saves Us

Have you ever wanted to die?  I distinctly remember sitting on a plane preparing for landing, when it hit a patch of turbulence that jerked us so violently it seemed we would crash.  As the other passengers’ faces turned to horror with loud gasps and cries, all...

Meditation on Realizing You’re Not a Mistake, But a Miracle

“You’re just yourself.  Live with it.  Here I am.  I’m just me and all I can do is be me.  That’s the only thing I can do, and I can do it better than anybody else.  If I don’t do it, nobody will do it.  So often we spend our lives trying...
The Soul Felt Its Worth

Our “Bruises” Make Us Beautiful: The Gifts of Imperfection

EVERYTHING belongs. You are perfect, AS you are, NO doing required. YOU are a GIFT, a never seen before and never to be seen again blessing the world needs. These are some sayings I’ve adopted and/or formulated over the last couple of years, which contain an abundance...