“You’re just yourself.  Live with it.  Here I am.  I’m just me and all I can do is be me.  That’s the only thing I can do, and I can do it better than anybody else.  If I don’t do it, nobody will do it.  So often we spend our lives trying to be other people.  Yet [Spirit] says, ‘I made you, and I like the you I’ve made, so just do your best and be yourself, and I’ll be there to help you.‘  It’s not something we have to do alone, but something we grow into.  Each person [is invested] with a unique value as one singularly wanted and loved by God, quite apart from any trait that person shares with anybody else, or any contribution he or she might make to society.”

Whether or not you believe in God, these words from Sister of Saint Joseph and Professor Mary Beth Ingham are powerful, life-changing stuff. Do you realize you are NOT an accident or a mistake, but a gift and a miracle? Can you let that Truth settle into your soul? And then see the same is true for her, him, and everyone?  Life is a team sport wherein we learn to love and be loved, and YOU have unique blessings to offer the team no one else can. You’re a once in the history of EVER manifestation of heaven on earth. We need you, AS you are, beauties and bruises, struggles and triumphs.

There is a place beyond our doings, above our failures and hurts, past our successes and strengths, it’s a heavenly space here and now wherein we progressively trust each and every one of us is a MASTERPIECE just AS we are. The juice of this is when we move from a space of feeling our worth, belonging, and belovedness precisely as we are, then all sorts of lasting and amazing growth and change becomes possible. With all this in mind, today I invite us to practice embracing that EACH of us is a miracle, and celebrate ourselves and others.


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Grace and peace,
