Loving God = Loving Others = Flourishing

Loving God = Loving Others = Flourishing

To truly love “God”, is to deeply love All. At least, I keep coming back to this conclusion. I say “God”, because every person I’ve met has a different understanding of the Divinity Behind and Within This All. I believe this because: If we are in God’s image, if...
Revolutionary Love: We’re Just Getting Started

Revolutionary Love: We’re Just Getting Started

At the first yoga class I taught this year I said 2020 was going to be awesome because we’d be able to see things clearly. 🤣 While “awful” is likely a more apt descriptor, it occurs to me we are seeing more accurately than ever...
Giving Yourself Permission to be You

Giving Yourself Permission to be You

When my guy friends start talking about fixing cars, repairing appliances, remodeling or building stuff in the house/yard, or other typical “guy” stuff, it’s like they’re speaking Greek to me.  Normal “manly” endeavors like this are so NOT my jam. When helping friends...