Love is Messy: Getting Uncomfortable to Get “Fit”

Love is Messy: Getting Uncomfortable to Get “Fit”

You know how we regularly struggle and sweat to get physically fit? Increasingly, it seems to me the same is true for relational “fitness” … and might even be a key to healing our political, racial, and other divides. In other words: Real love is messy. It...

Finding Santosha (WOWness) in All Situations

One of the benefits of having a bit of OCD is my daily workouts aren’t options, they’re what I do.  A downfall of this mentality, though, is it can sometimes get in the way of important stuff, like, you know, connecting with people!  Ridiculous as it may...

Meditation on the Importance of Loving Our Messy Emotions

Do you ever have a thought or impulse that’s inappropriate, uncomfortable, or “bad”?  I know I do!  The other day, one thought bubble led to another, and before I knew it, I was shocked and dismayed by the notion my mind had centered on.  Before my...