Minimalism, the Power of the Pause, and Wholehearted Living

Minimalism, the Power of the Pause, and Wholehearted Living

Cheers to you! I struggle with making time to pause, rest, and slow down.  Can you relate?  Aside from the volume of things that have to be done and what I “think” I have to do, there’s SO many people, places, and experiences I want to enjoy.  It’s super...

The Rain’s Secret (A Poem)

“The rain told me a secret this morning,” “It wants to let you in on it too,” she shared. So, outside I sat, quieted, receptive, and slowed, Listening to the murmurs of small splashes.   As I settled, the waterfall of noise resolved, Into...
Minimalism, the Power of the Pause, and Wholehearted Living

Enlightenment is the Journey from My & Mine to Our & Ours

Cheers Beloved! I wonder if the terrible twos are because that’s when kids start thinking and acting in terms of “my” and “mine”?  What’s more, I’d ask if as a society we live stuck in our terrible twos?  Seriously!  The more...

Letting the Spirit of “How May I Be of Service” Guide Us

In telling my story lately, my eyes have been opened to two key words in my life: Lack and Enough.  While insecurities bias me toward a space of lack, wherein I find my worth in the number of students in my classes, the amount of “likes” on social media,...
Minimalism, the Power of the Pause, and Wholehearted Living

Everyone Belongs, There’s More Than Enough

Cheers Beloved! My first memories are from Germany.  My dad was in the Army, so I lived in Western Germany twice before I turned 12.  Growing up in a foreign land, living under the threat of nuclear war, having to stay inside because of Chernobyl, watching soldiers...