Grieving the Life I Lost

Grieving the Life I Lost

13 years ago today, the amazing life I had ended. In the blink of an eye, a quite successful career flying for the air force (where I also got to teach the best of the best) vanished, as did the future plans and dreams of my then fiancée (now ex-wife) and I. While...
How a Log and Stranger Reminded Me Life is a Team Sport

How a Log and Stranger Reminded Me Life is a Team Sport

This log, and a stranger, reminded me life is a team sport. Lisa and I were partway into a hike when we came to this stream. Skeptically, I gazed at it thinking: I don’t think I have the balance to walk across this without falling into the water and getting hurt. As I...
Transforming Hurtful/Hard Words Into Helpful Ones

Transforming Hurtful/Hard Words Into Helpful Ones

What do you do with hurtful or hard words from others? While part of me likes to ruminate on them, defend myself, and/or formulate comebacks that will “show them”, my real self knows there’s a better way: Reframing. Beginning with the awareness...
Love the Bridge That Got You Here

Love the Bridge That Got You Here

What do you do with regrets?  When my daughter was born I was on the other side of the world, deployed with the Air Force to the Middle East.  As I sat chatting with coworkers in the chow hall, our commander walked in and waived me over.  “Congratulations, Kermit,” he...