“Running” From Our Sweetest Selves

“Running” From Our Sweetest Selves

Have you ever had something you couldn’t let go of? Or were terrified of what it would mean to not _____? Even when it wasn’t joyful, life-giving, or loving? Maybe even limiting, unhealthy, or hurtful? I have been a runner my whole adult life. As in from 1998-2020, I...

Where the Streets Have No Name

The name for the yoga practice I crafted for August is “Where the Streets Have No Name”.  Partially because we’ll be doing some creative things, but mostly because lately I’ve been finding an extra yummy part of life’s menu exists in the...

Love Lacks Labels

There are moments when I see the essence of my wife Lisa.  The radiance of her being is so beautiful even the best poetry would fall short of capturing her. Likewise, there are instances when the lines between us blur, blend, and vanish.  Our connection is so rich I...
Why Moving Beyond Labels and Becoming Liberal AND Conservative, Theist AND Atheist, and Such is Awesome

Sometimes Words are Dumb: The Importance of Moving Beyond Labels

In class the other day my yoga teacher said something about moving beyond labels.  This struck an “AHA” chord in my soul as I realized while words are necessary, they can also limit, divide, hinder, and minimize because we often think labels define a person, place, or...