From Our Darkest Dark, Our Brightest Bright is Born

From Our Darkest Dark, Our Brightest Bright is Born

These recent views from our house breathed hope into my soul. There’s something about the short, dark days of this season that brings out and amplifies the darkness, down feelings, depression, and despair within us. Know what I mean? Still, the way the light pierced...
Sing at the Top of Your Lungs!

Sing at the Top of Your Lungs!

When I make dinner I listen to music, while dancing and singing (loudly). In fact, not long ago I was especially into a song, and mid-chorus saw a lady walking by outside give me an “are you possessed?” look. Whether you can carry a tune or not,...

The Love is IN Your Heart

While I was practicing my yoga class for February, “The Love is IN Your Heart”, I had an aha moment.  In one flow you reach your hands forward and back with palms up on the inhale, and then sweetly collect them to heart’s center on the exhale.  On my...