Love in 24 Words – Part 2

Love in 24 Words – Part 2

Hi Beautiful! Every time I teach or practice yoga, my goal is to open us to and energize us with the energy of Love.  Yet, what is “Love”?  While I didn’t realize it, for years I didn’t know.  As a result, I couldn’t Love myself, was...
Love in 24 Words – Part 2

Love in 24 Words – Part 1

Hi Amazing! If Love is the point of life, I Love my wife, I love wine, I love peanut butter cereal, I Love my daughter, I love yoga, God is Love, I Love God, and I love Star Wars … what exactly is Love? At least the “Love” that matters most?  I...

The Love is IN Your Heart

While I was practicing my yoga class for February, “The Love is IN Your Heart”, I had an aha moment.  In one flow you reach your hands forward and back with palms up on the inhale, and then sweetly collect them to heart’s center on the exhale.  On my...

Meditation on Thinking Less to Be More

I don’t know about you, but it seems the older I get, the less I KNOW.  I used to be quite certain about lots of things, and while it’s still easy for me to cling to the safety of being SURE, I’m finding freedom in holding things more loosely.  I say...