Christmas Gifts Meaning

Christmas Gifts Meaning

What is Christmas to you? While we talk about “the meaning of Christmas”, it occurs to me Christmas gifts meaning, in that: To me, it’s celebrating that something more Beautiful, Loving, and True can be born here and now. Christmas reminds us Divine goodness can...

Giving the Gift of YOU

The quality of my life is interconnected with the nature of what I devote myself to. Each day we give our time, energy, and attention to/for something. In other words, moment-by-moment we literally give the gift of our lives away.The only question is...
The Real Gift of Christmas is YOU: A Tale of Two Ways of Living

The Real Gift of Christmas is YOU: A Tale of Two Ways of Living

Cheers to you! My wife and I have been watching “The Good Place”, a show about the afterlife.  In this poignant and hilarious show, a demon “breaks bad”, people sent to hell get better, and they explore big topics like what makes a person...
The Real Gift of Christmas is YOU: A Tale of Two Ways of Living

12 Gifts of Christianity

Cheers to you! 6+ years ago when I moved to Poulsbo, while I was unpacking, I came across the wedding vows my soon to be ex-wife and I had written for each other.  I decided to read them, and I don’t know if I’ve ever been more undone and washed out by...
The Real Gift of Christmas is YOU: A Tale of Two Ways of Living

Love in 24 Words – Part 2

Hi Beautiful! Every time I teach or practice yoga, my goal is to open us to and energize us with the energy of Love.  Yet, what is “Love”?  While I didn’t realize it, for years I didn’t know.  As a result, I couldn’t Love myself, was...