The Real Gift of Christmas is YOU: A Tale of Two Ways of Living

The Real Gift of Christmas is YOU: A Tale of Two Ways of Living

Cheers to you! My wife and I have been watching “The Good Place”, a show about the afterlife.  In this poignant and hilarious show, a demon “breaks bad”, people sent to hell get better, and they explore big topics like what makes a person...

You Have Permission

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you don’t know how to act?  One of the blessings of marrying Lisa was gaining three adult “kids” and seven grandchildren.  The weird part, though, is having only been in their lives for a few years, we...
Who are YOU? How Finding Our Identity in Christ Saves Us

Who are YOU? How Finding Our Identity in Christ Saves Us

Have you ever wanted to die?  I distinctly remember sitting on a plane preparing for landing, when it hit a patch of turbulence that jerked us so violently it seemed we would crash.  As the other passengers’ faces turned to horror with loud gasps and cries, all...