The Pleasure of “Purring”

The Pleasure of “Purring”

After I take our dog, Biscuits, out, I’ll frequently pet and tell her she’s a “good girl”—and with a look of pure bliss, she’ll literally start purring. #adorable This got me thinking how amazing it feels to let our bodies, minds, and spirits “purr”, and what a gift...

Be the Reason Someone Smiles Today

Do you ever wonder if what you do matters?  Or even how much YOU matter?  I know I do!  With that in mind, at the beginning of my yoga classes, I gift each student with an inspirational sticky note to encourage her/him.  They have sayings like “Be a warrior, not...
While Open Hearts Get Broken, They Also Receive the Most Joy

While Open Hearts Get Broken, They Also Receive the Most Joy

This week I’ve been struck by how easy it is for me to close myself off from both compliments and critiques from others.  It reminded me how vital it is to live with an open heart and mind, because even though such a tender mentality will sometimes break our...