Greet with Grace

Greet with Grace

Lisa and I had a “moment” as she got home for dinner the other day. A confused and frustrated, “what the heck just happened”, type of deal. Knowing she’d been gone most of the day, done all the grocery shopping, and was running significantly later than she’d planned,...
Why Valuing Both the Right and Left Creates Harmony: Yoga Life Lessons

Why Valuing Both the Right and Left Creates Harmony: Yoga Life Lessons

Hi beautiful being! In yoga’s physical practice, we make a point of equally working, stretching, and valuing both the left and right sides of our bodies.  To do otherwise would create imbalance.  It seems to me the same lesson applies to life.  There has ALWAYS been...
Why Valuing Both the Right and Left Creates Harmony: Yoga Life Lessons

6 Ways Yoga is Prayer

I LOVE yoga and Jesus!  The brilliant thing is they go together like peanut butter and chocolate, the combination of which, to me, is basically heaven in your mouth.  While I’ve “only” been practicing yoga for a bit over eight years, I’ve been Christian my whole...