The Namaste Revolution

The Namaste Revolution

You know how we typically pray with eyes closed and head bowed?  From what I understand, it appears the early Christians prayed with their heads raised, because they understood we’re all masterpieces from a marvelous Maker and lowering their heads was a mark of...
Who are YOU? How Finding Our Identity in Christ Saves Us

Who are YOU? How Finding Our Identity in Christ Saves Us

Have you ever wanted to die?  I distinctly remember sitting on a plane preparing for landing, when it hit a patch of turbulence that jerked us so violently it seemed we would crash.  As the other passengers’ faces turned to horror with loud gasps and cries, all...

Meditation on the Life-Giving Power of Perspective

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the power of our perspectives. Specifically, I wonder if a good chunk of our troubles, sorrows, and frustrations in life, especially when it comes to relationships, stems MORE from our OWN perspectives than the actions or...