License to Love

License to Love

You know how James Bond has a License to Kill? And, as the mask and vac debates reveal, it seems Americans have a License to Individual Freedom? What if, we all lived from a License to Love? Like, for reals! I know when people wrong my wife Lisa, by abusing her...
Revolutionary Love: We’re Just Getting Started

Revolutionary Love: We’re Just Getting Started

At the first yoga class I taught this year I said 2020 was going to be awesome because we’d be able to see things clearly. 🤣 While “awful” is likely a more apt descriptor, it occurs to me we are seeing more accurately than ever...
Glowing in Grace

Glowing in Grace

As much as I crave more of Will Farell on the cowbell, what I think we could really use more of these days is GRACE. Inspired by the immortal words of U2, I’d say: Grace finds the goodness in everything and everyone. Grace transforms ugly into beauty. Grace...
Breath Teaches Us How to Live, Love, and Die Well: Yoga Life Lessons

Breath Teaches Us How to Live, Love, and Die Well: Yoga Life Lessons

Hi Fabulous!  I hope you’re having a wonderful day and are blessed by this offering. America has a breathing problem.  All inhale, all the time.  Our competitive consumer culture urges us to ONLY inhale, in that we’re all about acquiring, climbing, and winning.  You...