Finding Santosha (WOWness) in All Situations

One of the benefits of having a bit of OCD is my daily workouts aren’t options, they’re what I do.  A downfall of this mentality, though, is it can sometimes get in the way of important stuff, like, you know, connecting with people!  Ridiculous as it may...
The Freedom of Shifting from a “Got to” to a “Get to” Mentality

The Freedom of Dying BEFORE You Die: Let’s Talk About Death Part 4

Many of the people I know who are most ALIVE and JOYOUS are those who’ve lost the most.  For instance, by the time she was 4, my 14 year-old daughter’s parents had divorced, her dad had been in the hospital for 6 months after he should have died, she’d moved across...

Meditation on Daily Choosing Your Attitude to Thrive

After a fabulous holiday weekend, I woke up Tuesday morning with TOO much to do.  Not only was my work day chalk full, I was teaching a new yoga practice I wasn’t totally comfortable with yet, there was a bunch of adulting to do, and the list of projects I...