Meditation on Changing Our Thinking to Better Our Being

I always run late, in that at best I’m on time, but typically I’m a couple minutes … ish late.  That’s just how I am … or is it?  I certainly have a predisposition to pack in as much goodness as possible and am optimistic as to how long...

Meditation on Gardening Our Thoughts, Because We Become What We Think

When you want to cook a great meal you use great ingredients, right?  Likewise, a good outfit is made of good clothes and a high quality home is formed by quality materials.  Along the same lines: If we want a fabulous life, we need to think wonderful thoughts,...

Meditation on Thinking Less to Be More

I don’t know about you, but it seems the older I get, the less I KNOW.  I used to be quite certain about lots of things, and while it’s still easy for me to cling to the safety of being SURE, I’m finding freedom in holding things more loosely.  I say...