Grieving the Life I Lost

Grieving the Life I Lost

13 years ago today, the amazing life I had ended. In the blink of an eye, a quite successful career flying for the air force (where I also got to teach the best of the best) vanished, as did the future plans and dreams of my then fiancée (now ex-wife) and I. While...
Love the Bridge That Got You Here

Love the Bridge That Got You Here

What do you do with regrets?  When my daughter was born I was on the other side of the world, deployed with the Air Force to the Middle East.  As I sat chatting with coworkers in the chow hall, our commander walked in and waived me over.  “Congratulations, Kermit,” he...
Love the Bridge That Got You Here

Fierce Softness

Changes, departures, leavings, and endings can be hard.  For years, I was not only a faithful attender at a local church, I was on the leadership team, aspired to be a paid pastor there, and became close with the other team members.  Then, after a good deal of inner...