Living Love in a World of Fear

Living Love in a World of Fear

Fear. Isn’t it crazy how much this energy saturates our news, politics, beliefs, and relationships, thus shaping and guiding us? In 1992 I remember being frightened Clinton would wreck our nation. At an airport in the Middle East in 2003 I was scared terrorists would...
From Frustrated to Fascinated: Healing Our Divides

From Frustrated to Fascinated: Healing Our Divides

Isn’t it incredible how differently we can see things? On day #3 of election purgatory, a popular blog I follow lamented how Biden as president would be the U.S. hitting moral and financial rock bottom, while Trump is a Christlike godsend. 🤔🤯 Umm … What?! As...
Unity, Understanding, and Supporting Trump Supporters

Unity, Understanding, and Supporting Trump Supporters

If I’m completely honest, part of me doesn’t understand how anyone can support Trump, and I’m sure others would say the same about Obama or Clinton backers.  The thing is, though, the more I go with society’s flow by calling “them” shameful names, excluding those...
Unity, Understanding, and Supporting Trump Supporters

Why Valuing Both the Right and Left Creates Harmony: Yoga Life Lessons

Hi beautiful being! In yoga’s physical practice, we make a point of equally working, stretching, and valuing both the left and right sides of our bodies.  To do otherwise would create imbalance.  It seems to me the same lesson applies to life.  There has ALWAYS been...