An Exceedingly Helpful Tip for Ending Our Blame and Shame Cycles

An Exceedingly Helpful Tip for Ending Our Blame and Shame Cycles

As long as a single person is lost, I am lost. To try to save myself by getting free from the mass of the damned (Augustine’s massa damnata), and becoming good by myself, is to be both damned and absurd—as well as antichrist. Christ descended into hell to show that He...
Resurrection IS … NOW

Resurrection IS … NOW

“You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.” – Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (The Message version)   I am a yoga teacher …...
Why Grace and Peace?

Why Grace and Peace?

You know how big plants come from super small origins? A tiny seed grows and blossom into something SO MUCH bigger than itself. The same is true of my yoga website and Facebook page (not that they’re “huge” or anything, but more that a small idea and passing comment...