Release to be Renewed

Release to be Renewed

Nature has a lot to teach us. Autumn is a time of letting go, as fruits and veggies ripen to produce new offspring, while leaves gently fall to the ground. This letting go not only helps vegetation survive the winter, it plants the seeds for the eruption of new life...
From Frustrated to Fascinated: Healing Our Divides

From Frustrated to Fascinated: Healing Our Divides

Isn’t it incredible how differently we can see things? On day #3 of election purgatory, a popular blog I follow lamented how Biden as president would be the U.S. hitting moral and financial rock bottom, while Trump is a Christlike godsend. 🤔🤯 Umm … What?! As...
Why Valuing Both the Right and Left Creates Harmony: Yoga Life Lessons

Why Valuing Both the Right and Left Creates Harmony: Yoga Life Lessons

Hi beautiful being! In yoga’s physical practice, we make a point of equally working, stretching, and valuing both the left and right sides of our bodies.  To do otherwise would create imbalance.  It seems to me the same lesson applies to life.  There has ALWAYS been...
Seeing & Embracing our Schizo Selves is Essential for a Better World

Seeing & Embracing our Schizo Selves is Essential for a Better World

There I was, minding my own business thinking about how awesome heaven was going to be after I died when a voice in my head said: What if that’s NOT where you go?  Another voice added: I think death is the end period. Still another thought came wondering: How can any...
The Gift of Seeking and Spending Time with Difference

The Gift of Seeking and Spending Time with Difference

I keep wanting to quit. I’ve been volunteering for 3.5 years at a local youth center, where struggling and troubled teens and young adults who are frequently couch surfing, homeless, and/or addicted find a safe space and help. Whenever my schedule gets cramped or...