Why Replacing “Them” with “Us” will Change the World

Why Replacing “Them” with “Us” will Change the World

There is no path topeace; peace isthe path.  It seems to me one of the biggest problems in the world today is division.  All too often when people think, look, believe, and/or act differently from us, we name them other, which all too easily allows and pushes us to...
Why Replacing “Them” with “Us” will Change the World

The Gate of Heaven is EVERYWHERE

It seems to me “heaven” is more of an attitude or lens for seeing life, than it is a place … at least while we’re alive.  For years I thought feeling the Spirit, or “experiencing God”, was a rare event and/or just for select people.  Yet, over time I’ve found a simple...


I’ve got issues.  While Jesus has always been my jam, for a long time I thought God more than disliked me. Worth, belonging, and love are fundamental human needs and I was convinced when it came to our Creator and Ultimate Reality, I’d struck out on all three accounts...
Lies We Believe About God Part 4

Lies We Believe About God Part 4

When love is the way — unselfish, sacrificial, redemptive — when love is the way, then no child will go to bed hungry in this world ever again. When love is the way, we will let justice roll down like a mighty stream, and righteousness like an ever-flowing...
Lies We Believe About God Part 3

Lies We Believe About God Part 3

For most of my early adulthood I was caught in a vicious cycle of porn addiction that was, in part, brought on by my image of God.  You see, I thought our Creator’s default state was NOT liking me and sending me to hell, and ANY mistake I made in life was something...